Tuesday, June 05, 2007

JPS-World Bank- Bappenas. Piye?

Aduh..masih terus berlanjut dan mungkin makin seru nih. APa bisa distop sampai disini saja?

Kasus Korupsi Dana JPS
Kejaksaan Periksa Sekjen Depkeu

Sinar Harapan/4 Juni 07

OlehLeo Wisnu Susapto

Jakarta - Sekretaris Jenderal Departemen Keuangan Mulia P Nasution memenuhi panggilan Kejaksaan Tinggi (Kejati) DKI Jakarta, untuk dimintai keterangan dalam dugaan penyalahgunaan dana jaring pengaman sosial. Ketika turun dari mobil Nissan X-Trail bernopol B 1980 BS, Mulia tidak menjawab sapaan wartawan yang sejak pagi sudah menunggu kehadirannya. Ketika pintu mobil terbuka wajah ramahnya berubah dingin dan tak mengucapkan satu patah kata pun seketika langsung memasuki gedung Kejati.Ketika dimintai keterangan oleh SH, ketua tim penyidik dugaan penyalahgunaan ini Hapastian Harahap enggan memberi keterangan lebih dulu dan meminta dihubungi setelah pemeriksaan selesai. Hal senada dikatakan Kajati DKI Darmono ketika menjawab pertanyaan dari SH melalui telepon genggamnya. Sebelumnya, Kepala Kejaksaan Tinggi (Kajati) DKI Jakarta Darmono mengatakan, pihaknya mempertimbangkan pemeriksaan Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu) Sri apabila hasil pemeriksaan Dirjen Perbendaharaan Negara Depkeu Mulya Nasution yang dijadwalkan pekan depan kurang memuaskan.“Jika pemeriksaan dua pejabat tersebut sudah memenuhi target, tak perlu memeriksa Menkeu,” tegas Darmono di kantornya.Sri Mulyani dianggap mengetahui bocornya dana jaring pengaman sosial (JPS) tahun 2002 yang dinilai korupsi. Dana yang diberikan dalam bentuk proyek untuk warga miskin ini dikeluarkan Bappenas. Menurut dugaan World Bank atau Bank Dunia terjadi korupsi pada program JPS senilai Rp 1,8 miliar. Dugaan adanya korupsi hampir dua miliar rupiah itu sudah dibayarkan kepada Bank Dunia dengan dana Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara 2005 saat Bappenas dijabat Sri Mulyani Indrawati. Sebelumnya, tim penyidik Kejati, Kamis (25/5) lalu, telah memeriksa Dirjen Anggaran Achmad Royadi yang dianggap mengetahui penyaluran APBN. Usai pemeriksaan terhadap dirinya, Dirjen Anggaran Depkeu enggan menjawab pertanyaan wartawan yang menunggunya keluar dari ruang pemeriksaan sejak pukul 10.00 WIB. Wajah Ahmad Royadi tampak kelelahan karena pemeriksaan dilakukan sekitar enam jam.Dia hanya berkomentar, ”Semua sudah saya jelaskan pada penyidik.”Sebelumnya, Kejati DKI telah menetapkan tiga tersangka dalam kasus yang terjadi saat Bappenas dipimpin Kwik Kian Gie. Kasus ini sendiri diduga merugikan keuangan negara sebesar Rp 1,8 miliar.Para tersangka itu adalah Sekretaris Sekretariat dan Pelaksana Harian Kegiatan dan Sekretaris Panitia Lelang berinisial ANTM, Ketua Tim Sekretariat dan Ketua Panitia Lelang yang menjabat Kepala Sub Direktorat Pengembangan Otonomi Daerah Bappenas Tahun 2002 berinisial PTR, dan pimpinan proyek berinisial RA. (rikando somba)

Energy Policy is questioned, then.

Yep...all related energy policy was questioned by the JP report. In this situation, then, it is logic to verify our national policy on accelerating the development of 10.000 MW coal based power plant (PLTU).

How to answer this Q? In fact, the MEMR has approved PLN to conduct all of tendering process to build such power plant and if possible to use direct appointment which are not supported by Presidential Decree No 80/2003 (Kepres 80).

Any comment?

Indonesia criticized over climate change response

Tony Hotland, The Jakarta Post/Jakarta

A World Bank-sponsored report launched Monday said Indonesia was lagging behind other countries and not making the most of the several options that would help the country deal with the impacts of climate change.
Developing renewable energy sources and reforestation will help ease the adverse impacts of climate change on Indonesia including prolonged droughts and an increase in climate-related diseases, said the report issued ahead of the June 5 World Environment Day.
Recommendations included the implementation of multiple projects contained in the Kyoto Protocol-sponsored Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and to focus on improving forest management and expanding the use of coal.
Green activist and report author Agus P. Sari said Indonesia was lagging behind other major greenhouse gas emitters in the development of alternative energy sources, despite the country's enormous potential.
"Indonesia has the potential for 27,000 megawatt geothermal-fired generators -- but so far the country has only 807 megawatts installed," Agus said.
"And Indonesia's micro hydro-fired capacity is 500,000 megawatts, yet here there is just 84 megawatts."
While energy policies may call for the development of renewable sources, supporting instruments including financial incentives have not been put in place.
Argus said the government had not been able to use CDM-listed opportunities for developing nations.
Indonesia should "sell" gas-reducing projects to developed nations to help them fulfill their Kyoto Protocol commitment (to cut an average 5.2 percent off their 1990 emission levels), he said.
Indonesia has so far registered eight projects with the UN, compared to India which has registered more than 200 and China which has more than 120.
The report also said Indonesia was not good at enforcing regulations on forest protection.
The country still suffers illegal logging and forest fires and was not yet adequately adapting to future climate events, Agus said.
"Take February's (massive) floods as example.
"The government should have mitigated the disaster -- but instead continued to see it as a regular occurrence and did not take precautions," he said.
All the options contained in the report would help Indonesia better deal with the impacts of climate change -- which would be significant for the sea-surrounded archipelago.
Research has found climate change would shorten the rainy season and intensify rainfall, which might lead to changes in water conditions and soil moisture.
This would effect agriculture and Indonesia's food security.
Almost half of Indonesians depend on the agricultural sector for their livelihood and rice is the country's staple food.
Impacts on human health, said the report, would be substantial.
Indonesia was already experiencing trends including the rise of dewing fever cases during the rainy seasons.
"Research has confirmed that warmer temperature leads to a mutation of the dewing virus," Agus said.
Indonesia will host in December the next meeting of Kyoto Protocol signatories. The meeting will address the future of the environment treaty.
Indonesia is the world's third largest emitter of greenhouse gasses, behind the United States and China. The country continues to suffer a very high rate of deforestation but registers low emission levels.