Saturday, January 30, 2010

Presiden dan Wapres meresmikan National Single Window, Terminal Peti Kemas Priok berhenti operasi...hah?

Kemaren ketika menghadiri peresmian NSW di terminal peti kemas di Priok..timbul kegundahan saya. Terminal itu sepi, yang mestinya sangat sibuk. Ternyata untuk peresmian kelihatannya prosedur Paspampres mengharuskan seluruh kegiatan di "shut-down" seharian. Do you think it is appropriate? Berapa Milyar yah..menguap?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Better to be an Entrepreneur than an Official, a Wistful Boediono Says - The Jakarta Globe

Dan repbulik pun semakin memprihatinkan jika kita tidak pernah "stick" secara profesional dengan profesi dan pilihan tugas kita. Masak semua harus jadi "kutu loncat-loncat".

Better to be an Entrepreneur than an Official, a Wistful Boediono Says - The Jakarta Globe

Better to be an Entrepreneur than an Official, a Wistful Boediono Says

Although many people think he has one of the best jobs in the country, Vice President Boediono said on Friday that given the chance, he would much prefer to be a businessman than a top government official.

“If when I was young and there had been an independent business program, I might not be a minister or a vice president but instead a businessman,” Boediono said, addressing an awards ceremony for creativity and innovation in developing independent businesses.

Since the fall of President Suharto in 1998, government officials have increasingly becoming the target of public criticism.

“These days it is better to be an entrepreneur than a [government] official,” he added.

Boediono praised business people for their contribution to democracy. “In the political perspective, business people are key to the development of democracy,” he said. “They are independent people who do not bow to the tight structure and are free to express their thoughts. That’s why business people are the group that support democracy.”

Boediono also told current and former students attending the ceremony that he had a longing to return to university. He said that before becoming a state official, he regularly gave lectures at universities. “But I cannot carry on with my hobby now, although I do hope there will be chance in the future,” he said.

“When I meet university students, it feels like flowers blooming in my heart,” he said.

He said that his doubts about whether the nation could actually compete with others successfully would vanish when meeting young people.

“I become very optimistic about our nation,” he said, telling the students present that they are the country’s future leaders.
“You should be prepared,” he said. “We will fade away and go down, but we will confidently give the torch of the race for leadership to you.”

Boediono said he was happy with recent developments concerning entrepreneur programs at universities.

Thirteen challenges facing Indonesia | The Jakarta Post

Kok angkanya 13 Ya? Pertanda kah? semoga tidak.

Thirteen challenges facing Indonesia | The Jakarta Post

Thirteen challenges facing Indonesia

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono , Bogor, West Java | Mon, 01/25/2010 10:58 AM | Opinion

This is an abridged and translated statement by the President to the press (from an unofficial transcript) after a meeting with other heads of high state institutions — including the vice president, Speakers of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR), the House of Representatives (DPR) and the Regional Representatives Council (DPD), Chiefs of the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court and the heads of the State Audit Agency and the Judicial Commission — at the Bogor Palace on Jan. 2.

The challenges are first, the four pillars of the State’s way of life that we refer to as our basic consensus: the Pancasila state ideology, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, and the state motto Unity in Diversity. We all agreed to observe our respective tasks in order to strengthen these pillars.

The second relates to the proliferation of administrative regions. A moratorium has been put in place pending the outcome of an evaluation. We will come up with a grand policy design and master plan in 2010 and consult them with the DPR and DPD before they become policy.

The above proliferation imposes a huge budget burden on the state. These moves must lead to improvement of people’s welfare and not the other way round. In the last 10 years, we have seen the creation of more than 200 new autonomous regions.

We cannot let this happen without a clear concept. With the new grand design and master plan, some regions may be divided and some have to be merged with others.

The third relates to free trade, including the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA). Free trade is not a novelty for us. We took the initiative at an APEC Summit here in Bogor in 1994. In 2003, we had three meetings in Bali, the ASEAN Summit, the ASEAN+3 and the ASEAN with its dialogue partners, which culminated with ACFTA.

Today, there are talks about not implementing ACFTA. The government position is clear: we will see and evaluate our preparedness.

We need to meet and discuss so that the objectives of the agreement will not create problems to our
people. These talks should be conducted according to international practices.

The government will manage this problem as best as it can. We have to protect the interests of our people and prepare them better but we must maintain strong cooperation within ASEAN and with our trading partners.

The fourth challenge is the stability of commodity prices. The recovery of the global economy has led to increases in prices of basic commodities. The government is taking steps to prevent this from burdening people. We have set aside Rp 38 trillion under the Amended 2010 Budget to stabilize prices through market operations and other measures.

The fifth relates to the 2014 general elections. We have some way to go, but the campaign for legislative elections will commence in July 2013. Learning from past experiences, we have to prepare early.

All the laws should already be in place two years ahead. We are counting on the cooperation of the House of Representatives. We must also appoint the Election Commission and assign it with the appropriate budget.

Number six relates to the amendment of the 1945 Constitution.

Although the Constitution makes provisions for constitutional amendment, we have to make sure that the changes reflect the urgency and the will of the people.

Number seven relates to the local elections at provincial and regency levels. We want these polls to be more effective and efficient, and not become costly political exercises. We need to improve the mechanisms and the rules of these local elections.

The eighth challenge would be the campaign to end mafia practices in the judiciary. The Task Force to Fight the Judiciary Mafia enjoys widespread support and counts on public participation. People can report directly to my office or the Task Force, and their information will be followed up.

Number nine relates to the national school final exams. The government will make sure that
preparatory steps are taken beforehand. They will be in accordance with the Supreme Court ruling, without sacrificing the quality of our education.

The 10th challenge relates to the judicial review process conducted by the Constitutional Court. The court is obliged to explain to the public about its rulings.

Number 11 relates to the quality of judges. We have had cases of judges acting unprofessionally.

Reforming the judiciary is imperative and must be thorough, and not simply confined to the district courts. We need to build a credible judiciary system.

Number 12 is financial accountability. All state institutions must strive to improve the quality of their financial reporting and auditing. We support the initiative to build an audit facility that links them with the BPK, so that any irregularity can be checked, traced and tracked immediately.

The 13th challenge is the checks and balances between the different state institutions.

They can synergize their acts, sometimes complementing one another, other times controlling each other, but they are there to prevent abuse of power.

These checks and balances mechanisms are not meant as tools for one state institution to bring another down.

This is a presidential, not parliamentary system of government, so we don’t recognize the concept of “vote of no confidence” that can bring down the Cabinet. Conversely, the President cannot dissolve the parliament, the MPR and the DPD. The rules on impeachment are clearly stipulated in the Constitution.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

BUya HAMKA tidaklah perlu diribut2kan untuk jadi pahlawan nasional.

TUlisan ini sekedar berbagi pendapat terhadap account FB SAATNYA KITA PERJUANGKAN HAMKA MENJADI PAHLAWAN NASIONAL.


Maaf, untuk ukuran Buya yang tercinta, menurut saya TIDAKLAH PERLU beliau diperjuangkan menjadi pahlawan nasional. Janganlah latah dan ikut2an seperti pendukung Gusdur. Buya bagaimanapun adalah pahlawan baik di dalam dan diluar negeri apalagi untuk dunia Islam. Ubahlah cara pikir yang meminta2 diberikan pahlawan seperti ini. Bayangkanlah seandainya beliau masih hidup, apakah beliau akans setuju? rasanya jawabannya lebih banyak tidak. Karena itu, jadikanlah buya pahlawan dalam hati anda, bisa dengan cara mengingat dan melakasanakan ajarannya, menceritakannya dengan tepat kepd anak cucu dan kemenakan kita, membacakan buku2 nya untuk anak2 kita. Maaf sekali lagi, kita berbeda pendapat, tapi saya sangat mencintai Buya, apalagi ketika remaja masih sempat mandagakan pangajian beliau, baik dari TV, Radio ataupun langsung. Tunjukkanlah bahwa orang Minang itu berbeda, dan jauh lebih memiliki nurani dan gengsi yang pantas. Lagi pula, jika waktunya tiba para pejabat dan pemda serta pusat tentulah akan memprosesnya

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sri Mulyani Indrawati Takes On Indonesia -

Betul mas,bu SMI membawa pembaruan dalm birokrasi, tapi sayangnya hanya untuk depkeu saja, dept lain masih memaling anggaran karena terjadi diskriminasi takehomepay yang besar dn menyakitkan. alhasil..anda lihat sendiri KKN masih dan makin marak. bappenas dan menko perekonomian yang mestinya jadi satu tandem sd sekarang masih struggling dg remunerasi. ini sebenarnya jawaban betapa pejabat2 depkeu berhasil membuai dan memanfaatkan menterinya, sehingga depkeu makin kuat dn sanagat dominan (sekarang lumayan berkurang dengan pak Hatta jadi menko). tapi dampak perusakan telah terjadi dengan dept lain yg bagaimanapun juga sama PNS. kuatnya depkeu membuat kita terkadang frustasi, karena itu dulu jangan heran banyak anggaran tidak terserap, mencapai 50an T Rp yang kemudian jadi "stimulus" yang juga akhirnya banyak tidak terserap. berbagai usulan pembaruan susah diterima depkeu. misalnya SPPD utuk daerah yang jauh dari jakarta tidak ada koeefisien kemahalan, sehingga banyak pejabat lebih memilih dinas ke lokasi yang dekat2 aja, dan bisa anda bayangakan mutu pengambilan keputusan di daerah yang harusnya didatangi pejabat cuma dikirimi eselon 4 atau sstaf...tidak semua memang. lambatnya proses pencairan membuat banyak PNS "mengutangi" negara duluan untuk dinas karena sering SPPD tidak langsung cair semuanya. Jangan heran sisa anggaran selalu banyak, yang mestinya bisa membantu sektor riil jika bisa dicairkan sesuai waktunya.

(tanggapan atas posting bang Faisal Basri di FB)

Sri Mulyani Indrawati Takes On Indonesia -


‘As Good As It Gets’

Indonesia is managing the global recession better than most, thanks to its tough finance minister.

Last month a financial tidal wave washed over Indonesia, but not the one kicked up by the global credit crisis. Money flooded into government coffers from individuals and corporations eager to avail themselves of Jakarta's "sunset policy" on tax delinquency, which forgave past evasions in exchange for good behavior going forward. The exact size of the surge isn't yet known, but economists estimate that tax receipts were up more than 50 percent for the year. "We saw quite a big jump" in revenue in December from "taxpayers who never existed [on the tax rolls] or want to correct mistakes made in the past," says the plan's creator, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati. Indonesians, she adds, are honoring their tax obligations "in a much more accurate way."

The influx marks a major triumph for Indonesia's current government and, in particular, for the woman who put Jakarta's financial house in order. Over the past four years, Mulyani has helped dismantle the financial architecture of the crony capitalism built by strongman Suharto before his 32-year reign ended in 1998. She has pressed hard to slash debt, both public and private; pushed through a rollback of budget-busting fuel subsidies; and overseen sweeping reforms of the customs and tax authorities—positioning Indonesia to post the world's best (or at least the least bad) emerging-market growth story in 2009. Unnoticed until recently, Jakarta's conservatism is now the envy of the developing world, and Mulyani is being hailed as a model regulator. "She could be the finance minister anywhere in the world," says James Castle, founder of the consultancy CastleAsia. "She's that good."

Largely to Mulyani's credit, the country's balance sheet is now among the most conservative in the world; government debt now sits at just 30 percent of GDP, down from more than 100 percent a decade ago, while Indonesia Inc. is far less leveraged than its peers elsewhere in Asia. Despite that relative austerity, growth is being driven both by commodities—Indonesia's traditional mainstay—and by strong domestic consumption from a population approaching 240 million. And neither the commodity bust (which has also driven down the price of the imported energy on which Indonesia depends) nor tighter global credit looks set to hobble a country that, from the household to the boardroom and cabinet chambers, is all but debt-free.

Click here to find out more!

Indeed, Indonesia is one of just three major emerging economies forecast to grow faster than 4 percent in 2009. The other two—China and India—have decelerated more rapidly in recent months and face tougher policy challenges. Mulyani says Indonesia could expand by as much as 5.5 percent this year, which is barely slower than the 6 percent it clocked in 2008, and perhaps enough to pip one of its two Asian counterparts in this year's growth race. Not bad, considering that the country's economy collapsed in 1998, shrinking 18 percent in a single year. Wolfgang Fengler, a senior economist at the World Bank, says Jakarta's macroeconomic management is now "as good as it gets."

Indonesia owes its turnaround to an ensemble cast. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has provided the political stability and pro-globalization vision that underpin today's successes. Boediono (who goes by one name) was a deft coordinating minister for economics until he handed the brief to Mulyani last May to head Indonesia's central bank, and Trade Minister Mari Pangestu deserves plaudits for kick-starting Indonesia's export economy. Yet Mulyani stands out for her toughness. She says her staff had to "swallow a lot of very bitter reality" during her first six months on the job. After landing there, for example, she confronted senior staff: "How can you send your daughter or your son to study abroad when you earn only this kind of salary? Where did you get the money?" To which she added: "You have to admit: we are all committing this crime." Her staffers still work evenings and weekends to meet her expectations, and she's been known to tangle with colleagues. Last year she lobbied intensively to ram through a deeply unpopular reduction in fuel subsidies that President Yudhoyono initially opposed. "She got her way because she is capable of playing politics," says Anton Gunawan, chief economist at Bank Danamon in Jakarta.

Yet by raising pay for bureaucrats, and not demonizing those who previously took payoffs to make ends meet, she has raised standards and steeled a reputation as an incorruptible reformer. Her message to her staff is simple and positive: "I only have one goal: I want the Indonesian people to trust us, this department, because this country will go nowhere if the people don't start to trust their own government." Though nobody would yet describe Indonesia as a model of transparency, the changes in its taxation and customs administrations have been profound, and in turn have enhanced Indonesia's growth potential to the point that "the world needs to update the way it thinks about the country," wrote Nicholas Cashmore, CLSA investment bank's Indonesia analyst, in mid-2008, declaring: "Southeast Asia's largest economy is in great shape." And thanks to Mulyani, Indonesia is garnering more respect by the day.

© 2009

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Give Pemerintah a Break...please deh ah.

Kayaknya ditahun baru ini gak usah kampungan deh.., mengingat jasa beliau rasanya sudah pastilah pemerintah akan memberikan gelar Pahlawan Nasional itu kepada Alm Gusdur. Masalah waktu saja. gak usahlah mendikte pemerintah yang mungkin sama dengan anda juga sedang menikmati sedikit masa santainya dan liburnya dengan ke...luarga. Pemerintah itu juga manusia kok, dan kalau Gusdur masih hidup...mungkin ia akan menyeletuk..."Gitu aja kok repot!!!"


Pemerintah Perlu Merespon Usulan Gus Dur Sebagai Pahlawan Nasional
Muhammad Nur Hayid - detikNews

Jakarta - Usulan menjadikan almarhum Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) menjadi pahlawan nasional perlu segera direspon pemerintah. Banyak jasa-jasa mantan presiden RI ke-4 itu yang mengharumkan nama Indonesia.

"Sudah seharusnya pemerintah segera merespon aspirasi yang diberikan masyarakat luas, khususnya warga Nahdlatul Ulama untuk mengusulkan Bapak KH Andurrahman Wahid sebagai pahlawan nasional," kata anggota Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) RI, Ali Masykur Musa dalam pesan singkatnya kepada detikcom, Jumat (1/1/2010).

Menurut mantan anggota DPR dari PKB ini, banyak kontribusi Gus Dur baik secara nasional maupun internasional terutama dalam memantapkan ideologi Pancasila dan mengharmonisasikan kehidupan masyarakat yang plural. Gus Dur juga tercatat sangat mengharumkan nama Indonesia di mata internasional.

"Menjadikan almarhum sebagai Pahlawan Nasional dapat menjadi suritauladan bagi anak Negeri agar selalu mendarmabaktikan dirinya untuk kepentingan Bangsa dan Negara seperti almarhum," tandas mantan ketua umum PB PMII ini.

Gus Dur meninggal pada Kamis 30 Desember 2009 di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo. Sejumlah pihak mengusulkan agar Gus Dur dijadikan pahlawan nasional mengingat jasa-jasanya yang besar bagi Indonesia.