Saturday, March 22, 2008

Immigration dan Third Nation

Picture By Kompas

Can you just imagine?
While you were badly dreaming of the pillow and the softness of the mattress in the four or five star hotel you gonna check-in, then suddenly you realize that you are already in an interrogation room of other country you just landed on. Instead of relaxing your bone and muscles after a long flight, you end up with a nitty-gritty unqualified questions from arrogant officers. It just could happen anywhere in the world right now, especially in the U.S. cities, in London, or even Latin America. Surprisingly, it happen here too, near to Indonesia. Yes, no questions. It is here in Singapore. How come, such a person like Adnan Buyung and former Indonesian Officer has to delay their resting time for about 2 hours in a well known Changi airport.

For Indonesia and some other third class nations, yes we could be that way. A second class nation. This brand image could not be denied when we enter other developed country. Why we need that damned visa, while other do not have to. Why does Indonesian has to work with visa applications, even to the Netherlands which has colonized the archipelagos three hundred and fifty (350) years. While such other countries are free already to enter their ex colonialist. So..for the current Minister for Law and Immigration and Foreign Affairs, this issues has to be resolved very soon. Please make Indonesian to be removed as a second class people in this regards. Please work hard to solve it, then you can say that "Indonesian is no longer second class citizens".

Hope we can make it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Betul pak, saya juga bosen dan iri setiap kali mau berangkat ke LN, harus repot dengan visa. bayar lagi dan mahal. terkadang belum tentu diberi, tapi uang udah gosong. memang kalau pakai paspor biru agak lebih mudah, tapi kan tidak semua punya. good posting, tks.