Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Internet Blocking cost government a lot

Probably report attached here from JP (11/4) states one of the best positions regarding Internet Blocking that shocks millions of Internet users in Indonesia.

Yes, I am agree to say that our new government has failed to really understand what the potentials of Internet is, how users really dedicate their life and tug it to Internet in daily life, and how users have been benefitting Internet for their economy, including leisure and daily life.

This, the blocking, should have not been happend if the authority had proffessionally done their job. Waht a pity. THis includes not only government, but also related associations, operators (big and small), and leaders.

Or this reflects how confused and unready we are in welcoming globaliszation in real life, not in a piece of paper.

The Jakarta Post - The Journal of Indonesia Today

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